Central Argument: I agree with Francis Bacon because men who are not married become more successful, successful men are recognized by the society therefore men who are unmarried are successful and recognized by the society such as: Einstein, Newton and my brother.
When marriage enters the picture, double standards and financial imbalances leave responsible men to pick up the slack and fix the mess she may have made of her finances. Men are forced to spend their hard earned savings, or take out a loan on a diamond ring. It isn’t fair for men who work hours and hours to spend their money on stupid things that his family would need. Being married with kids is a very hard responsibility. Taking care of a family is not an easy job. A hard earned man who has to satisfy his family with all the ‘wants’ isn’t easy either. Some men are more concerned with realizing their dreams of owning a home and becoming financially stable enough to begin a family and responsibly provide for their welfare. However after reading the essay of Sir Francis Bacon I agree that men who are not married become more successful. Successful men are recognized by the society; therefore men who are unmarried are successful and recognized by the society for example: Newton, Steve Jobs and my brother.
Newton who contributed to society largely tells it all that unmarried men have enthusiasm to make a difference. Newton came up with law of motion, which is studied in all physics classes. Another discovery was about light and the properties of light. He spent months in a darkened room doing experiments. He passed a beam of sunlight through a prism and discovered that the beam of light was broken down into different colors. Now when the light idea is thought about it seems like its common sense but however, Newton showed is knowledge to the world. If Sir Isaac Newton had got married he probably wouldn’t pursue in what he was currently doing and would have to definitely pay more attention towards family.
Similarly Steve Jobs from the very beginning of his life worked hard and the hard work definitely paid off in the world today. He never knew sitting in a calligraphy class would later help him in his life to come up with different typefaces. Before Jobs got married he gave his full attention towards his company. The innovation of Mac was made before his marriage, when he was free of responsibilities. In 1991 when he got married, he had to take a step forward towards his family and therefore he could not help as much as he could with the company. My point here is to say that marriage is not an easy step that can be taken in life. Once you are married, family comes first and then other futile issues. Marriage takes up half your life as you have to continue to support the family.
My brother who is 25 years old has not been married, yet, has made a name for him in the city of New York and all over the world. Although he is not known by his name, his industry is extremely famous. He owns spas all over the world such as in places like: London, Miami, New York, various districts of New York, Hawaii and many more. He once had a conversation with me which made me think of my future. Do I want to get married? Was the question that lingered in me. He stated that getting married needs a lot of time and responsibilities and without these two qualities he can function much faster than when he will get married. He himself knows that along with marriage one should be able to sacrifice A for B (whatever the family wants).
If a man enters a marriage saved up a down payment for his dream home, it can be swiftly snatched right out from underneath him. Many men may object to spending such a large sum of money on what is basically a very expensive one-day, four hour party. It isn’t fair that men have to work their butts off to pay money for what his family wants. He should be able to do what he wants with the money. After all, what a man wants is really not of any concern anymore. His wants, desires, hopes and dreams are ignored almost entirely.
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