
Sunday, November 27, 2011

College Essay #28 - Human Rights

177) "Human rights" is a term frequently used but seldom defined. What rights should belong to every human being? Discuss.

A right to equality is important to each and every individual in this world. Being brought up in India the idea of caste system in villages still exists also; beggars who are begging on the road are treated inhumanely. For example if a beggar has money and if he wants to enter a shop then the shopkeeper kicks him out just because he or she doesn’t look sophisticated. I think that this is unacceptable by the society because everyone should have the rights to buy or do what they want. He like everyone else also would like to pay for his family and buy the daily grocery. It’s not only the elite group who can eat and go shopping and have fun. By this I also believe that people should choose their own government because the government in India is becoming extremely corrupt and they end up promising the people to give the best they can but it never happens. The poor people are therefore tricked their whole life into believing some false promises by corrupt people.
I believe that right to choose your own government will eventually bring equality amongst citizens because the government that the society chooses will be fair in all aspects. Therefore chief ministers like Mayawati should be thrown out of power. In one of the states in India she built statues of herself worth a lot of money, which she promised to use for the dalits who are the poor people of India.  So I would like to conclude by saying that if government keeps tricking people then eventually will lose faith in the government, and there will be turmoil in the country. Poor people will rise up to fight for their rights and so in order for all this not to happen we the people should be given the right of equality and the right to choose our own government.

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